How to network like a girl
Jan 29, 2025
"Walking into the space was literally walking into a warm welcome and embrace. I think part of what was unique (in terms of a networking event) is that the expectation was authentic relationship building. We were coming to meet people we would love to get to know better because they were amazing, cool, interesting, fun and deeply authentic women/gender+."
It's been two weeks since the first Old Girls Club (actual name TBD) had its first event - and I'm still on a bit of a high. The chance to gather in a relatively small, intimate setting, with other women who do the same kind of work as I do was a powerful experience. And the folks who came shared the same feelings.
In advance of the event, guests were sent information about what to expect and how to make the most of the two hours we had together. And they came ready to have a great time!
They sipped and snacked and networked. Midway through the event, Leanne, the owner of Must Have Pockets, gave a short talk on how to optimize a capsule wardrobe to simplify your life. Then we had more networking and more opportunities to try out the great styles in the store. For this first event, Leanne and I donated the food and wine so that 100% of the proceeds from registrations could go to support the important work of the North Point Douglas Women's Centre.
No pitch-slaps allowed
One of my frustrations when I go to networking events is that I always feel like others are trying to pitch me their services. I don't know about you, but I hate getting pitch-slapped in my DMs, but I find it even more awkward when we're in person. So the only rule that we had was that the event was a pitch-free night. Sure, there are great opportunities for the women in the room to work together or even hire one another. But by creating a pitch-free zone, we emphasized relationships over sales, and connection over business.
Throughout the night, I made it my mission to introduce different guests who needed to know each other and I was delighted to hear that some amazing new connections came out of the evening. As with any night like this, the magic came from the unique combination of women who found themselves in dialogue on that one night, in that one place, together. It will never happen again in the exact same way, but it was pure magic.
You missed a great party
If you weren't able to come, I truly wish you had been there. But if you want to see what you missed, check out the images from the night. A huge thank you to Janelle from SpokoMedia who generously donated her time and equipment to take photos at the event.
And big love and gratitude to Leanne from Must Have Pockets at 1510 St. Mary's Road (across from St. Vital mall) who hosted our rowdy group. If you haven't yet discovered Winnipeg's favourite store designed for women over 40, you need to go see her. For more information, be sure to follow the Must Have Pockets Instagram account.
So what's next for the Old Girls Club?
I'll be honest, I'm completely blown away by how many people are interested in the idea of the Old Girls Club. I posted my first social media post in early January and assumed I might get 30 or 40 people interested. As of right now, the list is over 200 strong!
But here's the thing. What I thought the Old Girls Club was, is not necessarily what it needs to be. I wanted a community of other consultants. But the community that responded wants something else. Something connected, accessible, and meaningful - and something that's bigger than just consultants.
How to get involved
If you missed the party and wish you had been there, then I really hope you can come to our next event. Planning is already underway (and don't worry - we will have room for more than 20 guests this time).
BUT...invitations will go out to the mailing list first. So if you're not already on it, make sure you sign up now. And fyi, when you sign up, you'll be given a link to complete a survey that will help us understand what you are looking for in community.
I hope to meet you soon!